Wednesday 4 June 2014

5 Reasons You May Not Want to Work for Google

5 Reasons You May Not Want to Work for Google

Several times each week, I get contacted by job seekers who ask the following:
"How can I get a job with Google?"
I cringe each time I get that question. It's like asking, "How can I get a one-on-one meeting with the President?" The chances of it happening are highly unlikely.
The Competition Isn't Just Tough... It's Insane!
Studies show the average job posting gets 118 applications. I've heard rumors (no hardcore proof, mind you), when Google posts a job, they get 1,000+. That's just mind-blowing.
Google deserves huge kudos for creating such a powerful Employment Brand. They applied the formula for success and are laughing all the way to the talent bank. It's a simple equation: build a culture, market the culture through the right channels, and watch job seekers flock to your careers page. Easier said than done. Yet, when done right, it can save a company millions of dollars in recruiting - which all goes to the bottom line of the business. Being able to hire the 'best of the best' by making them truly excited about being chosen almost guarantees your company's productivity and profits soar. [For another example of this type of recruitment strategy, check out how mega shoe retailer Zappos, a subsidiary of Amazon, is requiring job seekers to join their exclusive "insiders club" in order to get hired.]
Google Isn't For Every Job Seeker
While I admire Google for being a top-notch employer, it doesn't mean they're the right place for you. In fact, only a very small percentage of the working population are a good fit for their company. Yet, the buzz Google's created has given them rockstar status in the employment world. People are drooling over the chance to work for them, without even considering if they'd really be happy there. Job seekers are blinded by the hype and not thinking about their real employment needs.
Therefore, I'd like to offer some perspective for all those people thinking they want to get hired by Google. Consider the following five reasons why you may not want to work for them:
1) You'll be stereotyped. Over the years, many people have applied and failed to get a job at Google. It's become a coveted company to work for. Those that make the cut often feel pretty darn good about themselves. Some, to the point of acting a little cocky about it. As a result, a few unsavory names have been given to people who work at Google. Which means, even if you are the nicest person on the planet, some will assume you're like those that have earned reputations for being full of themselves.
2) You'll need to always be "on" the job. Just because you got the job at Google doesn't mean you'll keep it. You will be working with some intense people who are striving to reach new levels of success. You better be ready to bring your top professional game every day.
3) Subsequent job search will get harder. Employers will definitely want to interview you, but they'll always worry that they won't live up to Google. True story: I know a young man who worked for the Boston Red Sox in 2004 when they broke the curse and won the World Series. It was a low-paying, entry-level role that had no room for advancement. He decided to move on and spent the next year trying to get a new job.He got tons of interviews, but at each one, the hiring manager's first question was, 'Why would you want to leave the Red Sox?" Nobody really wanted to hire him - they just wanted to hear what it was like to work there. He had to move to a different state to finally get a new job.
4) Your future expectations will be tougher to meet. As soon as you get a job at a place like Google, you can pretty much forget ever finding another work experience like it. The benefits, perks, etc. will set a new employment standard for you that will be almost impossible to match. It's like playing a pro sport. Once you're called up to the big leagues, you don't want to go back down to the minors.
5) You'll become a professional networking target. Get hired by Google and watch your LinkedIn inbox explode with requests from friends, family, school mates, neighbors, your hairdresser, your butcher's son, strangers, and plenty of others who are trying to get their 'foot in the door' at your employer. With 80% of all jobs gotten via referral, your popularity is going to skyrocket - and so will the time you spend fielding inquiries about how you got your job.