Thursday 19 June 2014

"BBM lands on Windows Phone this July"

"BBM lands on Windows Phone this July"

After what seems like an age of rumors, we’re finally getting the official word on BlackBerry for Windows Phone. The company’s CEO mentioned that the messenger would be officially launching next month.

The info comes directly via John Chen, CEO of BlackBerry, who mentioned the upcoming Windows Phone client in an earnings call earlier today. With the launch on Microsoft’s mobile OS, BlackBerry can now finally claim to have a truly cross-platform messaging service, already being present on BB 10, iOS and Android.

It’s not exactly clear what features will be included in this Windows Phone version nor how our version will compare to the ones available on different platforms. But it’s safe to assume all the basic functionality will be there and if anything’s missing we’ll probably see that fixed via a future update.

This is definitely good news for fans of the platform, who will no longer need to have to buy a BlackBerry, but with so many other good messaging options being available we can’t help but wonder: does anyone actually still care?