Friday 20 June 2014

Check Out Where Your Fav Celebrities Worked Before They Were Famous!!

Check Out Where Your Fav Celebrities Worked Before They Were Famous!!

Harry Styles worked at a bakery:

"It was quite good in the bakery. I was in there for two and a half years," he said.
"It was just me and loads of older women. I go back every time I go back home and see how they are all doing."

Louis Tomlinson* worked at Toys "R" Us.

"I'd pop out a few piano skills and just try and impress while in my glamorous Toys 'R' Us uniform," he said.

Taylor Swift worked at a Christmas tree farm.

"I was too young to help with the hauling of the trees up the hills and putting them onto cars. So, it was my job to pull off the preying mantis pods off of the Christmas trees," she explained.

Shailene Woodley at the clothing store American Apparel.

"I feared that day where I had to go tell my [American Apparel] manager that I had to quit because I booked [The Descendants]. I felt so bad," she said.

Miley Cyrus worked for a cleaning service.

"I had one normal job and I actually liked it. I worked at this place called Sparkles Cleaning Service and I cleaned houses, I was like 11…I can clean toilet bowls," she said.

Kendall Schmidt worked at a retirement home.

"My dad owns a retirement home so we would clean the bugs out of the lights and stuff like that. That was my job growing up," he said.

Lady Gaga worked at a diner.

"I got a job when I was 15 because my allowance was about $20 a week, which in New York was impossible. So I used to waitress across the street from where I grew up. And I used to take all the money I made waitressing so that I could go watch jazz downtown," she said.

Crystal Reed worked at Baskin-Robbins.

“We each got one small child’s cup of ice cream a day, which was the best part of working there. I was 14 and I got $30 a week," she said.