Sunday 8 June 2014

Easy cute french nail how to do it yourself!

Easy Cute French Nail

To start, gather all your supplies
  • white nail polish, or color of your choice
  • top coat of your choice (clear, baby pink, shimmer clear, anything you want …)
  • rounded edged bandaids
  • nail polish remover
  • Q-tips/cotton balls

now you have to make sure your nails are clean. I always give them a quick swipe with a nail polish remover soaked cotton ball.
Take the Align and stick the rounded edge on your nail leaving as much of your nail showing as you want to paint. Make sure you the bandaid is tightly stuck on your nail, and the corners have been pushed in to fit around you naibandaids and rip the ends off.
Paint the tip and then wait for the polish to completely dry before peeling off. Repeat this procedure with all of your nails. When they’re all dry, seal it with your top coat. And you’re done! And you don’t just have to use bandaids. Anything rounded and sticky will work.
Can’t wait to try it out? Please be sure to let me know!