Saturday 14 June 2014

Fun Facts About One Direction 1D

Fun Facts About One Direction 1D:

1. Louis wants to be able to fly.
2. Niall is a natural brunette.
3. Zayn has a tattoo on his chest which says his Grandfathers name, in Arabic.
4. Liam has a fear of spoons.
5. Louis has 4 younger sisters.
6. Harry came up with the name ‘One Direction’.
7. The producer’s wanted Niall to go on a diet whilst on the X-Factor.
8. Liam cried while watching ‘Toy Story 3′.
9. Niall cried while watching ‘Finding Nemo’. 
10. Everyone in One Direction has one or more sisters except for Niall. He is the only one who has a brother.
11. If Zayn wasn’t in the band he would be an English teacher.
12. If Liam wasn’t in the band he would work in a factory building airplanes.
13. If Harry wasn’t in the band he would be at university studying and would work in a bakery
14. Liam thinks it would be great to employ people to play games with them.
15.Harry’s favorite food is sweetcorn and his fave drink is apple juice.
16.Zayn wants to quit smoking because he knows the fans don’t like it.
17.Most of One Direction’s fan are on twitter NOT facebook.
18.Harry thinks that if he wasn’t in One Direction people wouldn’t like him as much as they do.
19.When Harry was younger he used to write on his toast with food colouring.
20.With all the money Niall has made, he bought his mum a new car.
21. Niall talks about his day in his sleep.
22. Harry thought ‘The Hunger Games’ was about food
23. Louis is 5’9″ or 174cm
24. Zayn is 5’9″ or 174cm
25.  Liam is 5’10″ or 178cm
26.  Harry is 5’10″ or 178cm
27. Niall is 5’7″ or 171cm
28. Zayn’s father is from Pakistan and his mother was born in England :)
29. If Niall wasn’t in the band he would be a sound engineer.