Monday 23 June 2014

Happy Halloween: See The Most Scariest Places In The World

 Happy Halloween: See The Most Scariest Places In The World

Happy Halloween check out these Most Scariest Places In The World and prepare to be amazed!

Trees of the Sea – suicide forest

Aokigahara, also known as the Trees of the Sea  is a 35-square-kilometre forest that lies at the northwest base of Mount Fuji in Japan. The density of the trees is so intense that you can wander in pitch black darkness during the day. Due to the wind-blocking density of the trees and an absence of wildlife, the forest is also known for being extremely quiet. That’s it? I can hear you thinking. Just a dark forest were you can hear a pin drop? Give me my iPod and a flashlight and it doesn’t sound that bad. But wait there is more…
The forest has a historic association with demons in Japanese mythology and is the second most popular place for suicides in the world (right after the Golden Gate Bridge). Almost 100 people a year wander in the forest never to return again. If you ever plan on visiting, then don’t be surprised to run into a few as Japanese authorities have a hard time finding and removing all those bodies. For years the corpses just stayed there and rotted away, meaning the forest is scattered with human skulls and bones

Abandoned Takakanonuma Amusement Park - Japan

What makes this abandoned amusement park so frightening is the amount of mystery that surrounds it. It’s literally surrounded in a thick cloud of mist that swallows the park entirely. Built in 1973, the park’s first attempt at bringing fun family entertainment lasted only two years. While never officially confirmed, it was rumoured to be closed due to a number of mysterious death’s inside the park. Perhaps the park was repaired, or maybe it was long enough for people to forget the bizarre freak accidents, but the park reopened in 1986. This time it only stayed open for a single year, again mysterious death’s were rumoured to be the cause.
Today, the sprawling hills and trees of the surrounding forests seem to have taken over the park, and its grounds are littered with the remnants of a failed run as a theme park. Roller coasters are still in place and their tracks sweep through the evergreens, but no one has been here for over a decade.
Of course the  accidents are just rumours, but think about what that park must have cost? There has to be a pretty good reason to just pack up and leave it totally abandoned like that, right? What’s also very creepy is that there is no official information about the place… at all. It’s not on any map…almost like it never existed. A whole amusement park vanishing.

“La isla de la Muñecas” or “The Island of Dolls”

If you ever watched “The River”, then you know where they got their inspiration from for the creepy baby tree scene . This bizarre- and frightening place is located within an extensive group of canals, south of Mexico City. That sounds like a beautiful holiday destination right? It’s not… this strange place is actually the opposite of beautiful. The island is totally abandoned and the few people who travelled there descibe it as dark, silent with a feeling of chill.
What doesn’t help this place becoming a popular travel destination is the fact that almost every single tree is decorated with deformed and mutilated dolls. The dolls almost seem evil and I seriously wonder where one would buy such creepy dolls, other than the  As you walk the island, it supposedly feels like you are being watched at all times.Scared yet? Well of course creepy toys aren’t enough to make this a candidate for scariest place in the world. You guessed it, the island is supposedly haunted!
Even though the island is totally abandoned, over 50 years ago, a man named Don Julian Santana left his wife and kids and moved there to live the rest of his life alone. When he was living there, the body of a dead little girl came floating up in one of the canals. Don Julian thought he had become haunted by her spirit. He began to collect dolls and decorate the island with them. He would trade vegetables and fruits in exchange for any dolls. The dolls were believed to be used by Don Julian as a shrine for the spirit that haunted him. Over the 50 years that he lived there, he continuously collected dolls and decorated them all over the island, until he died.
Some natives of Mexico believe that Don Julian went crazy. They think that Don Julian would throw the dolls into the canals and save them as if they were real babies. His family said this was not true. They say it was his way of coping with the haunting of the little girl.
In 2001, Don Julian was found dead by his nephew. He found him in the same canal that Don Julian supposedly found the little girl. After his death, tourists have said that they heard dolls whispering as they passed them.

Old Changi Hospital – Changi, Singapore

The Old Changi Hospital is a former hospital in Changi, Singapore. It was built back in 1935 as part of the old Changi military base. During the occupation of the Japanese the compound was used by the notorious Kempeitai (the Japenese Secret Police) as a prison and torture camp. After the end of World War II, the building was again a hospital, and remained so until 1997, when it was replaced by the Changi General Hospital. It has stood derelict and decaying ever since.
The building is now haunted by its past, with Japanese soldiers, people that were executed, and the patients that died here. Apparitions of an old man has been seen walking down the corridors, and a woman has been seen walking through the rooms. The spirits of children are know to haunt the old children’s ward, and the ghosts of Japanese soldiers have been seen also.  unexplained screams are also a common occurrence.