Tuesday 3 June 2014

Pakistani Startup Secured 1st Runner up Position at Angel Hack Dubai

Pakistani Startup Secured 1st Runner up Position at Angel Hack Dubai

Metikulous, A Pakistani Tech startup secured joint 1st Runners up position at a hackathon organized by AngelHack.
The event took place at The Cribb, which is a startup accelerator initiative by Innovation360 and Turn8.
AngelHack is best known for organizing global hackathon competitions like AngelHack and AppHACK. It has organized close to 100 hackathons, parties, and other related startup events.
The teams competing at Angel Hack Dubai were competing to build from concept to a working product with-in 24 hours.
Metikulous was awarded for their idea of an application called Scribill.
Scribill is a financial dashboard for the automation of financial summaries received by the system through emails and manual uploads. It extracts, auto categorizes and delivers analytics based on the expenses and income. It gives a user insight about his expenses, key spending areas and helps in decision making to cut costs and expenses.
The team of Metikulous was lead by Mr. Sultan Saadat, Founder of Metikulous, followed by Mr. Wasif Jahangir, Co-founder and Mr. Imran Ansari, the Business Development Manager.
Along with the team of Metikulous, Mr. Ali Hamidi, CTO of Friendshippr, was also collaborating to help achieve the goals.