Tuesday 10 June 2014



Aurora Borealis, Norway
It's the earth's natural light show, and my what a performance!
This beautiful display of colours is caused by the collision of energetic charged particles with atoms in the high altitude atmosphere

Frozen wave, Antarctica
Surfs up! These giant, wave-like formations are formed over time from ice that has melted and been reshaped because of exposure to the elements.

The dripping ice produces downward spikes (icicles), to give the impression of a breaking wave, while the smoothly polished surface is also the result of melting

Richat Structure, Mauritania
A prominent circular feature in the Sahara desert, the Richat Structure stretches almost 50km-wide and can be seen from space.
Exactly how this bizarre bulls-eye formed is up for debate- some say volcanic eruption, others blame the impact of a crater. The most likely explanation is the erosion of an uplifted rock

Fly Geyser, United States
Located on private property on the edge of the Black Rock Desert, Nevada, this formation isn't an entirely natural phenomenon. It accidentally came into being during the construction of a well in 1916. The well functioned normally for decades, but in the 1960s geothermally heated water found a weak spot and began escaping to the surface.

Red tide, Japan
Red tides occur all over the world (though this photograph was taken in Japan) and are a used to describe a coloured tinge to the water.
The phenomenon is also known as an algal bloom, an event in which estuarine, marine, or fresh water algae accumulate rapidly in the water column and results in discoloration of the surface water