Marvel Celebrates Comic-Con With 1-Month's Unlimited Subscription at $0.99

The San Diego Comic-Con is one of the biggest comic conventions that be held each year. Uniting comic fans from across the globe, the event showcases the latest titles, story lines, and characters being introduced every year, along with announcements about upcoming superhero films. And putting the foot to the gas pedal is Marvel Comics which is unlocking the gates to comic heaven. Marvel Comics is for the course of a week (starting with the July 24 kick-off of Comic-Con) putting its entire online comic archive, totalling over 15,000 comics, at the disposal of comic fans and enthusiasts for the cost of a cup of coffee.
At 99 cents users can access the Marvel Unlimited comics archive for the period of one month. The titles which will be available include the latest titles as well as those from the Golden and Silver age of comics. Along with these limited edition story lines, which have been the inspiration behind major Hollywood blockbusters, too will be available to the readers.
According to reports a majority of the issues are just digital prints but there are the likes of Marvel's Infinite Comics, which are designed exclusively for reading on screens. There is behind the scenes content too for comics like Jonathan Hickman's The Avengers.
The six-issue Captain America: The Winter Soldier storyline and a host of other titles like Ironman, Spiderman, Thor and The Mighty Hulk.
The six-issue Captain America: The Winter Soldier storyline and a host of other titles like Ironman, Spiderman, Thor and The Mighty Hulk.
The online experience also includes something called adaptive audio where the background music changes as the plot of the story grows thicker. The comics can be read on PC, Mac, iOS and Android devices. Users can download up to 12 comics at a time for offline reading. The comics are only for reading and cannot be downloaded and owned.
The regular Marvel Unlimited subscriptions from $9.99 (roughly Rs. 610) a month to $69 (roughly Rs. 4,150) for a year. The Annual Plus membership costs $99 (roughly Rs. 6,000). Along with exclusive offers it includes a limited edition six-inch Age of Ultron figure. Users can read comics up to six months back, as the latest comics are added to the marvel Unlimited archive after six months. The Marvel Unlimited app can be downloaded from the App Store and the Google Play Store, and is also available for Windows and Mac.
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