Thursday 3 July 2014

Top 10 Most Dangerous Guns 2014

Top 10 Most Dangerous Guns 2014
Guns mostly restricted item by the Police or army of any state but some people hold it for their safety as they have fear of their enemies . Today we have collected a list of the some of the top and most dangerous guns in the world . These guns can be specially design for the country security teams .

DSR-Precision DSR 50 Sniper Rifle : 

DSR 50 Sniper Rifle one of the most dangerous guns that can been easily use to eliminate the target due its range.Well its a powerful gun 0.50 Calibre gun and its one of the expensive weapons.

Thompson M1921 Submachine Gun : 

Thompson M1921 is one of the top machine gun you have seen this guns mostly in the movies , it has a great power and good rounds of calibre .

Uzi Submachine Gun :

Uzi is one of the top small machine guns but a little dangerous weapons that were using now a days in the war’s.

AK-47 :

AK-47 is one of the most used guns in the armies and also the country security police . It has been the popular guns in the world .

XM307 ACSW Advanced Heavy Machine Gun :

United States one of the top countries in the ammos and guns productions has bring another beast to the army that is XM307 ACSW Advanced Heavy Machine Gun.

MG3 Machine Gun : 

MG3 Machine Gun the heavy weapon to take down the enemies it brings with the perfect handling , great aim , poweful bullet speed . It has been developed by the German Firm .

F2000 Assault Rifle : 

F2000 is one of the best guns that has been seen in the games as well as in the real life too .It has been the famous inclusion of the Belgium country .