Sunday 3 August 2014

Pics That Prove Harry Styles Is Obsessed With Fruit!

Pics That Prove Harry Styles Is Obsessed With Fruit!

Whether Harry Styles is performing on stage, or trimming Zayn Malik's beard, he's not going to let hunger get the best of him. His go-to snack? Fruit, of course! What a healthy obsession!
Harry knows that bananas are a good source of potassium!

We think Louis wants your apple, Harry!

It looks like Harry had a late night grape craving!

Harry refuses to put down his fruit, even if he's shaving Zayn's face.

Banana break!

Harry's definitely not picky when it comes to fruit. He likes it all!

Harry came out of the store with nothing but strawberries. SO healthy!

If anyone ever need to get Harry a gift we know the perfect thing -- a fruit platter!