Saturday 2 August 2014

Dakota Fanning Explains Why She Doesn't Use Social Media

Dakota Fanning Explains Why She Doesn't Use Social Media
We love when stars are active on social media because we get more glimpses into their everyday lives, but we also have respect those stars who have decided to avoid it all together! Dakota Fanningrecently explained why she doesn't have Facebook or Twitter, and we totally understand her reasoning. 
Speaking with NY Daily News, Dakota said, "Yeah, I don't have a Twitter, Facebook or anything - and I'm perfectly happy with that. Obviously lots of people do, but sometimes I think you can become engrossed in that world as the real world passes you by. People on their phones all the time is a pet peeve of mine in real life." 
Dakota definitely has a point. While it's fun to be active on sites like Instagram, it's important to remember that the real world is more exciting and important!