Thursday 14 August 2014

Kendall Jenner Fights Back Against Waitress

Kendall Jenner Fights Back Against Waitress

After Kendall Jenner vehemently denied that she threw money at former Skins actress and waitressBlaine Morris, she's fighting back in other ways besides Twitter! According to documents obtained by E! Online, Kendall's lawyer threatened Blaine to retract her "completely false, fabricated and defamatory" statements — or else she'll be sued.
"Although you are working as a waitress at Mercer Kitchen, I understand you are also a struggling actress," Kendall's lawyer reportedly wrote. "You no doubt concocted a fictionalized account of your encounter with my client in order to create publicity for yourself."
Kendall's lawyer says that she did indeed eat at the restaurant where Blaine worked — and forgot to pay the check before leaving — but that Kendall "politely handed" her $40 for a $33 bill.
Even though Kendall admitted to lying as a child, we don't think she would cause such a big ruckus if she was lying now. Even if it was an exaggerated joke at first, now things are serious!