Monday 4 August 2014

You Won't Believe the Adorable Thing Harry Styles Did for a Fan

You Won't Believe the Adorable Thing Harry Styles Did for a Fan

Even though we know One Direction cares a lot about their Directioners, we're still touched when the 1D boys make truly amazing gestures that show how much their fans mean to them. While in New Jersey for their Where We Are tour, Harry Styles made a special stop at Campbell Hoyt's house to fulfill her greatest wish.
Cam, who is battling brain and spine cancer, dreamed of meeting One Direction, specifically Harry. When her mom Robin Hoyt asked for help to make Cam's dream come true, Harry tweeted his support and sent her "all the love in the world."
Still, no one expected that Harry would visit her instead of just calling or video messaging her.
Robin said, "He was emphatic that he did not do this for publicity. He truly just wanted to meet Cam."
Their family friend Katie Borghese says that Cam's parents were "very moved by Harry's kindness,"